Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Maybe The Press Wasn't The Problem

I got big traffic back in February when I looked into a story about Christian missionaries demanding conversation in exchange for tsunami relief. Needless to say the story appeared to be a fabrication. I figured it was the press capitalizing on a misunderstanding to advance thier known bias.

Now I am wondering if it wasn't a purposeful fabrication.
Angry Hindu youths beat three American missionaries and tried to kidnap one as they held a bible studies class in Bombay, police said on Monday.

About 30 or 40 men attacked the three, part of a group of eight, on Saturday night because they thought the missionaries were trying to convert Hindus in the Indian financial capital.
I have some Hindi friends -- I did not think them capable of this kind of stuff. But then they are having to defend themselves constantly against the Muslim minority in that country....


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