Sunday, June 12, 2005


Not Supposed To Happen This Way

Soldiers die -- it is a sad but necessary fact of military life. Each of us should have undying and unmeasurable levels of gratitude for those that make that sacrifice. Fortunately, their families and those they love can take pride and comfort in the fact that their death had meaning, and served a greater good.

Usually, but not always. Mustang 23 linked to a brief announcement by 365 and a Wake Up, but it is Major K that tells the story.
You expect it from all of the arhabi's dirty tricks; IED's, ambushes, suicide bombers, etc. You do not expect it from street punks while you are home on leave. The NightStalkers lost a very good man last night. Specialist Jorge Estrada was murdered while home on leave for the birth of his daughter.
Please read all of Major K's tribute to this great soldier. Given that I experienced a similarly senseless loss just a few weeks ago, I can understand how these soldiers must be feeling right now. I cannot help but enjoy Major K's sentiment
I know that had he perceived a threat from this scumbag that sucker-shot him, I would not be writing this post now, because that scumbag would be in the hospital or jail, and Specialist Estrada would still be enjoying his leave with his wife and daughters.
That our finest are dying overseas so that our worst can do things like this is one of the great ironies of a free nation like ours. I have no doubt that Specialist Estrada's assailant will have justice visited upon him, but I cannot help but wish that he had received Specialist Estrada's special form of justice personally.

Pray for Specialist Estrada's family, and for the men in his unit. I hope that God will visit His comfort on all that need it.


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