The Tulsa Zoo will add a display featuring the biblical account of creation following complaints to a city board about other displays with religious significance, including a Hindu elephant statue.
I absolutely love the reasoning that lead to this decision:
But those who favored the creationist exhibit, including Mayor Bill LaFortune, argued that the zoo already displayed religious items, including the statue of the Hindu god, Ganesh, outside the elephant exhibit and a marble globe inscribed with an American Indian saying: "The earth is our mother. The sky is our father."
But I worry -- so many are putting so much importance in the creation story. I believe God created the earth, I really do, and that fact is essential is establishing who God is, but beyond that, the 7 day story is not real important to the Gospel. I wonder about the prirorites as the creationism fight continues.
# posted by John Schroeder @ 6/09/2005 05:35:00 AM