Monday, June 13, 2005


Oh, So Now We Don't Want To Jump To A Hasty Conclusion.

How many times have I linked to a news story where people rush to and draw unwarranted conclusions based on the data presented? Happens everyday, Particularly when science is done in service of a political agenda. So, this headline caught me eye
Men and Women Really Do Think Differently
That ought to challenge some common thinking runs through my mind as I read, but NOOOooooo! Check the first few paragraphs
Men and women do think differently, at least where the anatomy of the brain is concerned, according to a new study.

The brain is made primarily of two different types of tissue, called gray matter and white matter. This new research reveals that men think more with their gray matter, and women think more with white. Researchers stressed that just because the two sexes think differently, this does not affect intellectual performance.
Political correctness must prevail, even in the face of contrary data. Now, admittedly, the data is not quite as contrary and it appears at first glance, and when you consider the definitions of "intelligence" and other brain functions, the point has some significance, but why are they so fast to protect their turf? Naw, there is no bias in the news.


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