Monday, June 20, 2005


Schiavo Autopsy Fails To Deal With The Important Questions

So we learn from the autopsy report that she really was as brain damaged as they said she was, and that all of us that hoped, prayed, and fought for her continued life should be ashamed. Fortunately, some very powerful people understand that there was more at stake.

Courtesy of Cheat Seeking Missiles, the money quote after the report really is this
"Terri did not die from an atrophied brain. She died from an atrophy of compassion on the part of her estranged husband and those who helped him to have her deliberately killed." -- Frank Pavone, Terri Schiavo's priest
Some Christians rightly say "That's Not The Point!" and others wonder if we should not apologize to Michael Schiavo.

The bottom line is this -- some questions cannot be answered by medical science.

I could go on, but I have to agree with Lauren at The Scriptorum on this one -- The Fight's Just Getting Started


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