Thursday, June 23, 2005


Seismic Silliness

One of the greatest earthquakes in American history happened not in California or Alaska, but in the Mississippi River basin. So this story should not be news.
Strain is building on a fault near Memphis, Tenn., that was the site of a magnitude-8.1 earthquake in 1812, according to new observations that settle a debate on the risk of another huge quake.

The odds of another 8.0 event within 50 years are between 7 and 10 percent, geologists said Wednesday.
I still can't figure out why the press just loves to report that there might be an earthquake -- sometime -- Duh!

Now this is fun.
American scientists have come up with a hi-tech method of surveying elephants, using military-designed seismic sensors to detect their footsteps.

Researchers from the Geophysics Department at Stanford University used the sensors to monitor African elephants and other large mammals in Etosha National Park, Namibia.
I wonder how long it will be before they are using seismic sensors to compile obesity statistics?


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