Sunday, June 12, 2005


Sermons and Lessons

This week, I thought we could listen to a sermon by none other than Adrian Warnock.

Give a listen.

And while I am talking about Adrian, he gave a totally unecessary mea culpa yesterday.
Dave Warnock (no relation!) has produced a post that convicts me somewhat, although I have always agreed with his sentiment at least in theory! Essentially he seems to be outing me as someone who exhibits "a consistent assumption echoed by many others that mainstream 'traditional' Churches are dying, non scriptural, liberal, non evangelical and in some cases even non Christian."

I dont think I have ever said exactly that in a blog. But perception is everything and so I owe David and others an apology.
I have not met Adrian personally, though I hope to when I am in London in August, but I have corresponded with him, and argued with him in posts. I have yet to encounter anyone in blogging that is more open and welcoming. I am very much a traditionalist - PCUSA for pityfied sakes. I love traditional worship, and while I do not deny the reality of the charismata, I am so fearful of their misuse that most people think me a cessasionist. Adrain is the most open, least hostile charasmatic I have encountered. Dave Warnock just must not be vary familiar with Adrian -- and Adrian, don't apologize for things you have not done.

If I may be so bold, IMonk is very prophetic in his blogging, in the most traditional sense of that word. He is dramatic, highly emotional, and tends to overstate his case. I generally agree with him, but find that he tends to state things in a way guaranteed to create conversation, and sometimes controversy, even when none is called for. He writes with his heart, and tries to wrap his mind around it. When I have interacted with him, I have found the best thing to do is let his posts age, several days before I react to it, let the emotional heat of his rhetoric cool and then react to the meat of what he is saying. Otherwise, you end up with people taking offense where none was given, or even considered.

I think an interaction between Michael Spencer and Adrian Warnock would be most interesting, but I think they need to get to know each other a little better before it can be really meaningful.


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