Saturday, July 16, 2005
Comic Art

Last week, Evangelical Outpost was kind enough to run a post by yours truly about comic book artists in his "Expert Witness" feature. Again I would like to offer my thanks to Joe.
In that post, I listed my twelve favorite artists with some comments, but I also listed some "Honorable Mentions." For the next few posts here, I want to look at those guys -- starting with George Perez. George is probabaly best know for his drawings of huge groups of superheroes, but he is pretty good at individuals like Wonder Woman as well.

It looks spectacular, particularly because I have a statue of Captain America on a glass shelf in the corner so that it looks very much like Cap is running out of the wall.
Last year saw a joining of giants to produce a 4 issue miniseries joining the Justice League(published by DC) and the Avengers(published by Marvel). The series was primarily a vehicle for Perez to show off his talents at drawings showing EVERYBODY!
The image below is just a taste of what came out of that series -- it was an absolute visual feast. In the words of Stan Lee -- Excelsior!

And while we are talking superheroes drop by and take this quiz on superheroes and comic books. I rather pathetically completed it in less than a minute and got a perfect score. I am pretty sure that puts me in the utter nerd arena -- if you take it and do well too, I won't feel so bad.