Monday, July 11, 2005


Great News Regarding London...

...At least as far as I am concerned. First the Beeb reports
UK religious leaders have issued a rare joint statement condemning Thursday's "evil terrorist" attacks in London.

Figureheads from the Christian, Muslim and Jewish faiths each read out parts of the statement.

"It is an evil that cannot be justified and that we utterly condemn and reject," said Sheikh Zaki Dr Badawi, of the Council of Mosques and Imams.
[empahsis added]
The Powerline reports on a Washinton Times piece.
Writing in the wake of Thursday's bombings, Tariq Al-Humayd, editor-in-chief of London-based Al-Sharq Al Awsat (The Middle East), claimed that collections were frequently solicited in London's Arab neighborhoods for terrorist causes in the guise of charities.

In a strongly worded editorial, he said that those enjoying the freedom of life in Britain had a "responsibility" to scrutinize such collections carefully, and if necessary prevent them from taking place.
If the war on terror has an ending it will be because Islam reforms. It is nice to see some moves in that direction.


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