Wednesday, July 06, 2005


How To Answer An Uninformed Commenter

Assumption of Command is wondering what to do with this comment.
The unprovoked invasion of Iraq is the most senseless blunder ever undertaken by the U.S. and the world sees it. Apparantly now the majority of Americans do too. You will lose and it will be HUMILIATING. Remember the withdrawl from Vietnam? From Lebanon? From Somalia? Get ready for America's next humiliation, this time at the hands of poorly-armed, untrained Rebel fighters who have only one thing going for them. Not night-vision devices, not heavy armor, certainly not the on-call air support that the U.S. military so cowardly relies upon to bomb every single enemy foxhole when it encounters two guys with rifles. No, they have what Americans lack: COURAGE. The courage to actually fight, instead of the cowardice to keep one's head down in a hole and scream for the Air Farce to do the killing.
Against a real enemy you guys would be meat on a stick, a good reason why the world's biggest bully coward America won't even threaten North Korea or Iran and instead picks on a country like Iraq that it thought won't fight back. Wow, how "brave". But we are seeing, as the Iraqis have turned this into a real war, the American people quickly lose stomach for it. So quick to call for the bludgeoning of a seemingly-defenseless country, they panic when it becomes more involved and dangerous than a walk-over. Next time you see that awful gaudy American rag of a flag flapping in the breeze, remember that.
It is rather difficult to respond to someone with such a pervasive lack of command of anything resembling a fact. The writer fails to understand the distinctions between military decisions and political ones. He fails to understand military tactics and strategy. He even fails to understand the nature of war, if he considers what is currently happening in Iraq right now as a "real war."

This commenter obviously feels that criminal terrorist attacks on unarmed and innocent civilians is "real war," while combat between equipped and trained fighting forces, using all the tools their nation can afford, to win the day as rapidly, efficiently, and with minimal civilian loss as possible is somehow a cheat.

This is the kind of person that would ask dominate teams to leave the Little League, and thinks Tanya Harding was within her rights.

My advice to Mustang would be to invite him to Iraq, then let him go side with the insurgents, we'll see how he feels after that.


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