Saturday, July 16, 2005


I May Be In Serious Trouble

In case you missed it (though how you could I have no idea) the single most important piece of information concerning the latest suspect picked up in the London bombings seems to be that he is a (drum roll please)...CHEMIST! Consider:

I could keep going, but I have to figure that's enough.

Here's what I'm wondering -- why is that particular piece of information SOOoo important? Do people honestly think that those of us trained in the field of chemistry are equipped with incidious arts that make us somehow less trustworthy - that when one of us goes wrong some great wall has crumbled?

I have to tell you all this is far more a function of ignorance about chemistry that it is a justification for fear. Yes, almost anyone trained in chemistry knows how to make explosives, but it takes a whole lot more than explosives to make a bomb - a whole lot.

I hope there is no great call for regulation of chemists, and given my impending overseas trip, I hope I don't end up on the watch list just because I have a degree in chemistry, But if I do, I will bear it peacefully.


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