Friday, July 22, 2005


Military Beauty

I ran into a couple of milblog posts that are simply -- beautiful. The first is from Blackfive. It concerns the testimony of the chaplain that served the SEALS that were killed in the recent helicopter crash in Afghanistan.
As I reflect over these days, I can't help but come to the same conclusion: this has truly been the most spiritually profound experience of my 13 years as a priest and my 7 as a Navy Chaplain.

So much to witness--the pain of so much loss, yes; but also the incredible will to hope.
There are great people protecting us and great people praying for them.

The other item is from the Mudville Gazette concerning the first operational wing of F-22's going into service. Look at that plane -- it is sheer mechanical beauty -- and it is deadly. In tests, a single F-22 has been known to take out 3 or 4 F15's, already the best fighter aircraft in the world, before the Eagles even knew it was there. That's an airplane!


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