Wednesday, July 13, 2005


A Political Question?

If Karl Rove resigned now would it be a victory for the Demogogicats, or would it remove from them a weapon, weak though it is, in their fight to smear the Bush Administration?

I personally don't think they are going to quit on this one. Right now they are too stuck in the 60's and early 70's. "Iraq=Vietnam" And now, you can feel it if you read the right places, they think they have a new Watergate scandal brewing. There was even a post of HuffPo yesterday (I refuse to link to it because it was so ludicrous) asking, "What did the Presdient know and when did he know it?"

If you repeat a lie enough people will believe it. This whole thing is trivial, utterly so, and the devil is in details the average American will never master. Maybe if Rove left, it would quench the storm before it really got roiling. Or maybe I am politcally naive, and they would make more hay of the resignation than if he remains. I'm just wondering?


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