Monday, July 04, 2005


A Salute To Our Efforts

From OpinionJournal on Saturday, General Barry McCaffrey looks at what is happening in Iraq soberly and wisely. His conclusion says it all
Now is the time for nonpartisan, collective leadership to support and guide our strategy in the ongoing operations in Southwest Asia. Lack of political will and clarity will surely snatch failure from the impending realization of our objectives if we do not act to support those who have given so much to America's defense.
Sounds like the best possible way to celebrate our independence.

There is a lot about this country worth celebrating. Leave it to Scotwise to find some of them. He does it again here. Everyone needs to follow these links and give John the traffic. John's an Aussie -- it's not even his holiday. That's humbling.

As is this post from Brit Adrian Warnock in which he examines Great Britain's role in oppression and freedom and the quotes the Declaration of Independence. It really is a great country when a citizin of the nation from which we gained independance is so moved by our founding documents. Thanks Adrian! Oh, and in a bit of a tease, and on behalf of Scotwise (and some of my maternal ancestors) I would remind Adrian that it was the Scots that taught the English about freedom.

And finally, this is the best possible news I've come across for this this holiday -- wounded in the line of duty Milblogger Chuck is now safely ensconced at Walter Reed, and his wife continues to post for him. She is now passing on some of his verbal utterances.
Notes to self:
1. "July is never a good time to visit DC - very humid."
2. "When falling off a canal river bridge wearing body armor, it is never smart to fall in head first."

One more quote:
"You can talk about our President, his politics, and his family, but you can never talk about his character. I met him face-to-face today and I will protect him as well as I protect my own."
Any man that can, in such circumstance, retain his sense of humor and say things like that about the President is a true hero. We really need to see a whole lot more of Chuck and his ilk in the legacy media.


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