Thursday, July 14, 2005


Soda With Ice

This story reports that volcanoes have been discovered on Titan, a Saturnian moon, that spews ICE! Which, to me, makes it sound like what we used to do at lunch between two-a-day football practices in high school.

But then, this story (subscription required) says, well, you best read it for yourself.
A nutrition watchdog group asked the Food and Drug Administration to put tobacco-style labels on sugary sodas and fruit drinks, warning that consuming too much of them can lead to weight gain and other health problems.
I will agree to this if, every time this group publishes anything, or makes any speeches, the following label is allowed to appear, prominently:
WARNING: This group thinks they know better than you what is good for you, and what is not. In what they think is sheer kindness they are willing to remove all your personal freedoms. If you listen or read this, your head may explode!


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