Saturday, July 09, 2005


Stuff I Know My Wife Will Love!

Well, I love her, and she is my most faithful reader. Given the relatively small audience I have, I can do a little boutique posting from time to time.

This is just to make her squeamish.
Is Giant Rattler in W.Va. Real or Rumor?
Trust me, she won't care, and now that I mention there is a picture, she won't follow the link either.

This link she will follow happily.
Hurricane Dennis in 3-D
I don't call her "Weather Wife" for nothing.

I took her to the location, among many others, this discusses on our honeymoon. I think it is still her favorite place I have ever taken her.
Rushmore Faces Getting Much-Needed Wash
I have to wonder if there was any acne involved?


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