Sunday, July 31, 2005


Water, Water Everywhere

Two stories, unrelated save they both talk about water caught my eye.

It appears a Norwegian water bottler wants to protect its source -- from pretty much everyone and everything. They want to make the local village drill a new supply well.

This is somewhat unique -- here in SoCal where everyone drinks bottled water, except for me, bottled water is treated tap water. I'm betting the Norskis coud do the same thing -- can you say marketing ploy?

Then USA Today is reporting, well here:
The nation had a record number of beach closures and health advisories last year, the most in 15 years that the Natural Resources Defense Council has been monitoring them, according to a report by the group Thursday.

The increased numbers resulted from heavy rainfall and poor cleanup efforts in many areas, as well as better detection of pollution, according to the NRDC's annual "Testing the Waters" beach report.
In those 15 years, the number of beaches undergoing such scrutiny have increased severalfold. The test utilized have developed far higher sensitivities, automatically lowering "panic" thresholds, and broader applicability, meaning we can detect more stuff now than we could then. Is it possible, just possible, that this has something to do with the increses in beach closures?


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