Friday, August 12, 2005


The Final Factor

In our final cruise lecture last night -- Hugh Hewit basically ceded the floor to David Allen White who delivered an opus masterwork on "Crime and Punishment." I could not do it justice - I lack the skill. I will; however, use a bit of what David said to comment on my post concerning Russia from yesterday.

David is most hopeful for Russia, and may go so far as to think it will bring salvation to the whole world -- he bases this on the prophecies of Fatima and some of Dovstoevsky's writings.

I will never discount God's actions in the world, but I will also never be so bold as to predict them either. I will however say this...

I witnessed faith alive in Soviet Russia and I firmly believe that faith, more than any other single factor, brought an end to that ugly state.

As I said in my post below on our cathedral visits - Faith lives more vibrantly in the pagan nation of Russia than it has in many years.

This more than the factors I cited yesterday will determine the ultimate future. I hope all my readers will join me in praying from Russia. No other action can accomplish more fo the future of Russia, or the world.


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