Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Katrina Is An Awful Disaster...

...perhaps the largest weather related disaster in decades. Flooding, homelessness, destruction of buildings, no that's not enough -- that does not even begin to scratch the surface of the problems that come in the wake of this catastrophe.

Turns out it's an environmental disaster as well. People, people, people you get flooding like this, you get problems of all sorts, is it really necessary to break them down into politcal categories? Let's just get busy solving them.

But there is more. Not content to solve the problem -- some must use it to make entirely specious political points. Turns out the hurricane only exists because Bush failed to sign Kyoto and the fact that the National Guard is deployed to Iraq is making matters so much worse. The Kyoto thing is beneath response, but I was completely unaware that the primary mission of the National Guard was disaster relief. Somewhere I got the idea that it was to guard the nation! Silly, silly me.

And while we're considering ill-considered response to Katrina, this Scrappleface piece cracked me up.

Katrina Belts New Orleans: Journalists Hardest Hit

As I watched reporters standing and playing in the winds yesterday morning, I really could not help but think they were enjoying themselves.


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