Monday, August 22, 2005
So that's My Problem...
...I'm addicted to Oreos! Al Mohler puts the latest food police story in just the right perspective.
Well, maybe the Oreo isn't the most important culinary invention of modern times, but it must rank right up near the top. We all know that Americans eat too much "junk food" and the nation may well face an obesity "crisis." But is addiction the right explanation for this phenomenon? Is it not tiresome to see every social ill described as the latest addition? Americans are said to be addicted to violence, video games, television, work, leisure, sugar, and now Oreos. There are persons seriously struggling with all kinds of habits and unhealthy patterns of life -- not to mention those physically addicted to dangerous substances. In the end, however, we may all be addicted to addictions, especially if the concept of addiction takes the responsibility off of us.I've always known it was the cookies fault.