Monday, August 22, 2005
Today's Trip Pic

By the way, I took Russian in college and I personally did the transliteration of "Blogotional" to the Russian cyrillic you see in this logo. I claim nothing resembling expertise, so if you think I screwed up, by all means, tell me how to do it right.

Just like you cannot escape the Disney characters and images in Disneyland, in the Soviet Union, you simply could not escape the images of Lenin -- in every conceivable form.

And, just like in Disneyland, the images were in every imaginable medium.
Now, I have to say, my nostalgia for these images is mine alone. As a westerner in the Soviet Union, they represented a curiousity, an over-the-top bit of braggidocia. To the citizens of that very oppressed nation, they were nothing but symbols of that oppression, an ever-constant reminder of the ever-watchful eye of the state. What to me was kitcsh, was to them terrifying. St. Petersburg has left one statue standing in front of an old government building in which Soviet symbology is a definitive part of the architecture as a reminder of that which was. I think that appropriate, as the removal of overwhelming presence of Vladimir Ilyich everywhere else.