Talinn, Estonia was one of our stops that I really looked forward to, and it did not disappoint. Estonia, one of the three Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) is a historically and culturally fascinating place. Conquered and oppressed far more than it has had independence, it has always baffled me that they have so strongly retained their identity as a separate state.
As most places with strong identity, but little experience at self-goverance, the place can best be described as "clumsy."

This is a picture of the ancient gates into the old city. As proof of the vigor with which Estonia has grasped capitalism, just across from the gate behind the building to the right of the picture is a McDonalds. The gate marks perhaps the most commercial of streets in the entire central city. Even Hong Kong, the most capitalistic place I have ever been protects their old sites a little better than this.

The Russian influence (Tsarist Russia conquered this nation more often and for longer than the Sovs ever dreamed about) is unmistakable, as in this domed, and quite beautiful church. Antique stores featured huge collections of Soviet era memorabilia -- something grossly missing from Russia.
Tomorrow, the story of our guided tour, as only Estonia could provide.
# posted by John Schroeder @ 8/24/2005 05:45:00 AM