Wednesday, September 14, 2005


The Best of Pravda

Is actually an oxymoron.

Nonetheless, there is nothing like a man with ambition
The world?s oldest schoolboy, 85-year-old Kimani Nganga Maruge took his first flight going to the US.

Maruge got into Guinness Book as the oldest school pupil in the world in 2003 after free elementary education had been introduced in Kenya. He is studying in the second grade at the moment....

...Before flying to the US Maruge also told the journalists that he was going to look for a wife in America.

"I would also like to marry a rich American woman to bring back money for my children. There's no point marrying a poor woman because I'm also poor," he explained.
Sometimes I even have to agree with Pravda, removing my charge of oymoronism, like here
Ozone hole will shrink by itself

It is not yet clear to what extent human activity is destructive for the ozone layer
The truth from Pravda! But then even a broken clock is right twice a day....


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