Thursday, September 01, 2005


Can't Leave This Alone

Broken Messenger is examining the foundations of being a Christian. The thrust of his post is great, but I think he works a little hard to make the point. Here's the thrust
We are not Christians because we are champions of morality. We are not Christians because we can identify that there is a God. We are Christians because we are ?little-Christs?, we are imitators of what He was on earth and what He now is in heaven.
Amen and Amen, but here is the problem
Christianity is supposed to be representative of one persona: love.
We are indeed becoming "little-Christs" but His character is so much more complex than simply love. God can and does condemn, He grows angry, he chastises, He punsihes. Limiting God's character can and does have as many negative consequences as those that the Messenger is battling in his post.


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