Thursday, September 15, 2005


Failing To Take The Hint

Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools was ruled unconstitutional Wednesday by a federal judge who granted legal standing to two families represented by an atheist who lost his previous battle before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Feeling that stange sense of deja vu?

Here's the deal, the last time SCOTUS knocked this bit of silliness down they did so on rather technical legal means. It was in my opinion a decision of kindness. Not wishing to "offend" the plantiff, the appellate judges, and perhaps even the court's own minority they got the result they wanted without making the real decision that needed to be made.

Now it appears all those, save for the court's own minority, whose feelings they tried to spare could not take the hint. Not accepting the brush off they have come back for the beating. If it's a beating they want, John Roberts may be just the man to deliver it.


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