Thursday, September 29, 2005


Fear Factor

Now here is a evolutionary trend worth studying. As mankind has advanced, we have conquered much of what there is to genuinely fear. Life expectancy is enormous, certainly in the west no one really goes hungry, shelter is readily available, and so forth. And yet, we seem to keep finding things to fear.

First there were the child abusing child care workers. Global warming has an enoromous amount of traction with little or no evidence. It is pretty much the media equivalence of the monster under the bed.

One such fear that is increasingly gaining prominence is MOLD. Don't get me wrong, in some instances, mold is a health risk, but they are far fewer and farther between than the great wave of litigation of the last years would indicate. Which, of course, is the key to this fear -- it's a lawsuit mill -- it's an industry. You doubt me? As an environmental health and safety consultant I get offerings almost daily to become a mold litigation expert.

Well, now mold is "the big problem" in the hurricane flooded south. Blogging ally Holy Coast had this to say
I look for this to be the source of the next round of lawsuits against the insurance companies
That, I think you will find is why this is news. Somewhere behind this story is a law firm pulling the strings -- I'll put money on it.

You want to know what's really amazing? Put a little bleach in some water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on the mold -- NO MORE MOLD! It's that simple.


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