Wednesday, September 21, 2005


A Little Full Of Ourselves, Aren't We?

Quick -- most influential evangelical thinker of the last century? Come on, blurt it out, first name that comes to mind...

I am betting more than half of of you thought of CS Lewis.

So, if you want to influence evangelicalism in general, is it a bright idea to take a swipe at Lewis? - as the title to this Pyromaniac post does - Essential Christianity, not "Mere Christianity"

I don't have a problem with the post so much as I think the title is a gratuitous shot at an admired figure. Lewis is never mentioned in the post. Besides, Lewis' word choice has as much to do with the fact that he was a Brit as it does any idea he was trying to communicate. You know, the whole "two peoples divided by a common language" thing.


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