Thursday, September 01, 2005


Meanwhile, In The Rest Of The World...

Let's take a quick survey of the other news, ala Paul Harvey.

While Putin seems to be tightening the reins on Russia daily, he still has to suffer many of the slings and arrows of wholly democratic leaders.


Fat people seem to be in the news "big" time. Seems Mercedes is using a driver's weight as an excuse for automotive failures and a judge told them -- "No Way." If this doctor really made the comments he is accused of making then he has the worst bedside manner ever in the medical profession -- I'm not sure he should lose his license, but I doubt he is going to attract a lot of patients.

Page Threee

Look into space and you are going to see galaxies collide and then collapse into black holes with a bang.


Scotwise seems to have discovered the world's smartest dog.


If this story is not the stuff of cold fusion it could change the world.
"We have discovered a catalyst that can produce ready quantities of hydrogen without the need for extreme cold temperatures or high pressures, which are often required in other production and storage methods," remarks Mahdi Abu-Omar of Purdue University.
As a big fan of Indiana University, that whole Purdue thing is problematic, but otherwise it sounds cool.


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