Friday, September 16, 2005


No Class!

There is only one human being in the public eye that I patently refuse to ever watch under any circumstances -- Alan Dershowitz. He lacks even a semblance of grace. My mistake has been a willingness to continue to read him, thinking the process of writing would result in a little self-censorship. -- OOPS! Consider how he opens this HuffPo diatribe (HT: The Corner)
My mother always told me that when a person dies, one should not say anything bad about him. My mother was wrong.
Not content with spitting on the corpse of William Rehnquist before it was cold (on Hannity and Colmes if you missed it somehow), now the man disrespects his own mother in public to justify it! And he called Rehnquist a "thug?" I have never heard more thuggish verbal behavior in my life.

Dershowitz has officially crossed the line from rude and inflammatory to despicable.


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