Friday, September 23, 2005


Stuff That Makes My Heart Hurt

Let's start with Adrian Warnock reporting on the break of the Nigerian Anglicans from the Canterbury church.
With a careful rewording of her constitution, the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) redefined her relationship with all other Anglican Churches.

All former references to ?communion with the see of Canterbury? were deleted and replaced with another provision of communion with all Anglican Churches, Dioceses and Provinces that hold and maintain the ?Historic Faith, Doctrine, Sacrament and Discipline of the one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church?.
This is, of course, over the elevation of that gay bishop here in the US. The move is designed to give a "home" to American churches that wish to break. Schism is ugly, but I applaud the relative lack of rancor, and as a Prebyterians, I appreciate the "orderliness."

In the next item Hugh Hewitt points to a Harvard Crimson article and a blog post on the brewing fight over Israeli divestment by my own PCUSA. The Crimson article says it well
Christianity should not become too closely enmeshed in narrow political issues for theological reasonsthe idea of rendering to Caesar what is hisbut for practical reasons as well. History has shown that Christian denominations too closely attached to politics have not fared well.
This move by the PCUSA is more closely aligned with politics than anything the right has posed to date, and that is a huge problem.

Finally, there is this from milblogger Howdy:
I got home at the end of July.

It was great to be back in the states. I flew from Kuwait City International to London aboard British Airways and laid over for the night. I took three showers in 12 hours and sat in the bar in gym shorts, shower shoes and a green t-shirt since it was all I had. I drank two beers and two coffees all at the same time. I called a buddy of mine from the Royal Marines letting him know I was in the UK on my way home to the "Colonies" and went to bed for the night.

The next day I flew to the states and landed like anyone else does when they travel by plane. It felt good to be back; but eerily ominous. I knew what was waiting for me on the horizon.

I was coming home to a divorce.
Howdy is talking about the price our deployed are paying, I agree that is a high cost, but I think it says less about deployment and more about what people expect from marriage these days, and how easy marriage is to discard. I'm praying for Howdy, and I'm praying for marriage.

My heart really hurts this day.


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