Saturday, September 03, 2005
Today's Trip Post
You see, the day we left Stockholm, and the day we arrived in Copenhagen were marked by each of those cities' hosting a gay pride festival.
Stockholm was not so bad, the city is not so centralized that you can move around it and avoid certain things. Also, given the timing of event, we were getting on the ship just as things were really getting into gear. All told, it was not much worse than when the parade goes off here every year.
Ahh, but then there was Copenhagen. We got off the ship as things started to fire up. The festival occupied the main square in the center of town, and at least from our hotel, it was impossible to get to anywhere interesting without wandering through this enormous mass of people, often engaged in behaviors that were at a minimum lurid.
If gays wish equality, should homosexuality not be viewed as "normal?" There was nothing normal about this -- from modes of dress to public displays of affection that would be disgusting even from heterosexuals -- this was a celebration of the aberrant, and it pretty well kept me pinned in my hotel for the day. But here is the deeper question -- is "normalcy" worthy of celebration? Particularly celebration this over-the-top. The homosexual equality movement is doing itself no favors with this sort of thing. They claim to be just like me is almost all aspects, save for to whom they are sexually attracted -- there was nothing visible here that vaguely resembled me, sorry.
That's enough, I don't want to get all political and moral in these travelogue posts, but this is very worthy of mention.