Thursday, September 08, 2005


Too Late, But VITALLY Important

Terri Schiavo is, sadly, dead - that cannot be changed. But the precedent set by her death is chilling in ways I shudder to consider. Which makes this the most important story I read yesterday.
Months after her death by court-ordered dehydration, the Justice Department has ordered an investigation of a complaint alleging discrimination against Terri Schiavo under the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Rehabilitation Act.

The Justice Department's Disability Rights Section directed the Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Health and Human Services in July to conduct the probe, reported the Empire Journal, an Internet news site that has published numerous investigative stories on the Schiavo case.
Anything that can be done to weaken and break down that precedent is vital. It is very difficult to participate in a bureacratic investigation like this unless you are an involved party -- but pray about this and pray hard. Numerous lives can be saved.


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