Monday, September 26, 2005


Who's Your Daddy?

OK, that's a pretty profane headline for a serious post, but I couldn't help myself. SmartChristian says he is becoming "father-centric."
Who is the true follower of Christ? Because of my reading of the Gospels and events in my spiritual journey over the last year or so, I am becoming convinced that a true disciple of Christ is one who imitates Jesus' relationship with Abba - Father.
I think Andy has a great point here. Our theology is Christo-centric, but our lives are Father-centric.

In the first place, the doctrine of the Trinity makes the discussion a little silly -- they are the same, but let's go with it for a minute. Christ is the hinge of Christianity. It rests on Him -- He is our salvation and our example. What did His ministry accomplish -- it made it so that the Holy Spirit could indwell us and make us into the image of Christ. Part of that image, though is Christ's relationship with the Father. Jesus did not pray to Himself. Jesus did not place HImself under His own authority -- to the contrary He placed Himself under His Father's authority.

A Christ centered theology demands a Father centered life. To do less would not fulfill the ultimate aims of Christ's ministry. To do less would be to fail to reach maturity.


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