Sunday, September 18, 2005


Yet Another Oxymoronic Headline

The Normality of Gay Marriages

Quote this NYTimes oped:
The main reason for the flip-flop is that some 6,600 same-sex couples have married over the past year with nary a sign of adverse effects. The sanctity of heterosexual marriages has not been destroyed. Public morals have not gone into a tailspin.
Let's see, 6600 "marriages" in one state, in one country, in a one year timespan as compared to all the marriages throughout the entire course of human history -- Don't you think it is a tad bit early to draw such an ambitious conclusion.

I am also dismayed at the realtively narrow view this article takes of what might be considered ill-effects. It talks about success in the lives of the children of same sex couples, ca that even be measured in a year? Might we want to wait a generation or so? And how would you measure such effects anyway. I mean if we are not allowed to judge people,how can we say which child grows up better?


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