Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Alphabet Soup

This huge ribbon of water flows through some of the most aird territory in the US and the result has been spectacular. Mrs. Blogotional and I have spent a lot of time wandering around the Plateau. We are not big hikers, (bum knee) though we do a little, but we take great delight in traveling the roads less traveled and seeing that which is usually reserved for the back-packing/rock-climbing set.
"Fishers Towers" located in a valley off the river near Moab, Utah is one of the those places.

The sight is truly spectacular with none of the crowds. We travelled through here at the height of tourist season but were virtually alone. We found it by taking the "little" road to Arches -- you know, the ones you look at on the map and wonder if it's safe. I alwasy like to take those, precisely because of stuff like this.

Look at the shape of this rock! Cool, huh? This particular rock is spectacular becasue of the "twisted" shape, but rock stands like this are all over 100's of square miles of river plateau.

Next time, take the "little" road, you never know what you'll find.