Thursday, October 13, 2005


It's A Good Thing The Press Is Not Biased...

...otherwise they would have to explain themselves regarding the recent "God told Bush to invade story." This is how Mark Steyn described the story in the London Telegraph.
The source for this story was essentially a BBC press release for a forthcoming documentary. Nabil Shaath, the so-called Palestinian "foreign minister", told them (the BBC) that Bush told him (Shaath) that God told him (Bush) to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. The White House said this was "absurd" and the only other Palestinian present at that meeting, Mahmoud Abbas, has denied Shaath's account of the conversation. As evidence of Bush's "Manichean convictions", the whole thing's a lot of Manichean piss, as the Belgians would say.
A promotional release for a TV piece, with a single uncorroborated source. Of course, and Disneyland is actually "The Happiest Place on Earth."

"Michelle told Peter who heard from Fred that he thinks you're hot." That's reporting - on planet Junior High.


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