Monday, October 24, 2005


Response v Conversion

In the hubbub to come over the Christmas' Lion, Witch & Wardrobe movie it will be sold as an evangelistic tool. Lame Worldview looks at that possibility.
As far as I know, what Disney is doing to market the film is standard fare for the company (which shouldn't shock any of us)'s primarily the "band-wagon" Christians who turn these ventures into a circus of cheezy evangelistic opportunities. I'm weary of the "this film (Passion of The Christ) is the greatest evangelistic tool of our time" mantra so often sold within today's shallow evangelicalism.
As much as I love the books, and trust me, I really love them, they have not changed my life in a substanitive way. Neither will this movie, nor anyone else's life for that matter.

The Holy Spirit changes lives, and we, dear friends, are the package the Holy Spirit chooses to wrap itself in, not movies or books. real evangelism opportunites do not come from movies, they come from your heart. Make one today.


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