Sunday, November 20, 2005


Music To My Ears

Glenn Lucke is interviewing Reggie Kidd on worship. Dr. Kidd has a book out, "With One Voice: Discovering Christ's Song In Our Worship" I read on with trepidation, fearing another apologetic for the "contemporary worship." The early questions in the interview did not warm me. But then, Dr. Kidd said some things I loved:
In worship (that is, the Sunday part of it), I think we're supposed to gather in the power of the Holy Spirit to celebrate who God is and what he's done through Christ to reclaim his creation. We do so through prayer (unsung and sung), the Word, and the sacraments. That's the "what" of worship. Anything that doesn't contribute to those things is "out of order" - from recruiting for political parties (whether red-state or blue-state) to singing "Happy Birthday."
Amen. That's why I am a solid believer in announcements up front in church. Worship is not about us -- It's about God. But here is the one I really loved
Personally, however, I'm persuaded that the "seeker" side of things is not supposed to be the primary thrust of the church's normal gatherings (Sunday mornings, for most). God is the primary thrust - again, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we gather to celebrate what he's done to redeem his creation through his Son.
For me the bottom line is this, Christ said
Matt 28:19 - "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
The key word there is "GO." We are called to leave the church and go out into the world to spread the Word. We don't through open the doors and hope thy will come --we GO get them. The church and worship is where we gain the power and perspective to go out and do that.

The biggest problem I have with the "seeker" model is that it releives the congragation in general of its obligation to GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES.

I may have to read this guy's book after all.


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