Saturday, November 19, 2005


Narrow Is The Way

Sometimes when preachers approach a topic, they get all balled up in it and forget the caveats, the exceptions, and the ramifications. That's what makes preaching so hard.

This post from Tod Bolsinger is one of the rare, single point, undeniably true and inarguable gems.
To believe that Jesus is the only one with the words of the Kingdom, that Jesus is the only one that leads to real true eternal life, that Jesus is the only one who is the rock to build our lives on, is so?well, narrow.

What is interesting is that Jesus never explains or defends his brash assertion, he never solves our problem with his exclusive claim.
This is one of those points of the gospel we just don't here enough of any more. The way is narrow and many will be excluded.

Being a Christian is not nirvana-like, it's not easy, and it's not for everyone. Does this mean we don't evangelize? Of course not, but I do think it means we need to be more realistic in our evangelism. I do think we need to understand that many, maybe even most, will say "No" to real and genuine evangelism.

We live in a welcoming tent. We live in a tent where there is room for everyone that sincerely decides to come in. But it is not a "big tent." That does not mean we do not love those that are not in it. To the contrary, I want everyone in the tent, especially those I love. But sadly, I also know many of them will not come in.

I wonder what this understanding of narrowness says about mega-churches?


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