Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Not Evil!?!?!?

Don't know where it all came from over the weekend, but it's disgusting.

Anybody besides me want to give this bunch a piece of their mind? This is moral relativism run completely amok.

You know I kind of understand relativistic morality in the sexual arena, maybe even with recreational drug use. People will go to some pretty amazing lengths to justify their vices. But these people highjacked airplanes and flew them into the tallest buildings in our country, killing thousands. These people have strapped bombs onto down syndrome children and had them walk into crowds on people in Iraqi elections. These people strap bombs on themselves and walk into masses of innocents. If this is not evil what in the world is?

What is truly sad to me is that much of this is politically motivated. These statements are more about Bush hatred than anything else. This along with this bunch on garbage over the weekend revealed like never before that the left is desperate. They are willing to argue the unarguable and support the unsupportable for the sake of their political power.

Some things matter. Killing innocents matters. To make it subject to politics is despicable. There is, of course, a certain group that this will have traction with -- 10% of the country thinks Elvis lives. But please don't let this get near mainstream thought. If it is in your power, denounce this stupidity wherever you can.


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