A woman who took 33 years to pass her driving test got behind the wheel of her first car yesterday. Venida Crabtree, 50, of Cowley, Oxford, was granted her licence in July after failing approximately 40 previous driving exams and getting through seven instructors since the age of 17. Her second-hand 980cc Suzuki Alto was considerably cheaper than the estimated £27,000 spent on all her driving lessons.
I honestly do not know whether to admire the effort or run in panic if I see her on the road. Never,
ever give this woman a cell phone. Questions -- if she moves to America and has to learn to drive on the other side, will it take another 33 years? -- How'd she get out of school? Or did she? -- Actually, can she walk and chew gum at the same time?
# posted by John Schroeder @ 11/11/2005 05:25:00 AM