Wednesday, November 30, 2005


When In Doubt -- Co-Opt The Language

SoCal ally Okie On The Lam deserves great credit for finding this LA Times piece. Reading the LA Times is a chore all its own, and while finding awful stuff there is not unusual, something this abysmal is. Here's Dale's post on the subject. And here's your money quote:
He calls himself an "abortionist" and says, "I am destroying life."

But he also feels he's giving life: He calls his patients "born again."
[emphasis added]
Oh where to begin. Describing abortion as a religious experience. Remember? The phrase "born again" is biblical in origin. No doubt someone is going to start throwing around all the biblical imagery about life out of death and so on, but I would remind you that the biblical death and rebirth in one's own -- not someone else's, like say the child you are carrying.

There are two things I find absolutely abhorent here. Firstly, I can understand, to some extent someone, having an abortion, but reluctantly so. But to have one joyfully, to describe it in liberation terms is somehow sickening. It is so utterly self-involved as to make me genuinely fearful of what else such a person might be capable of.

But worse still, to describe that self-involved "liberation" in terms borrowed from a completely antonymous context is a perversion.

I guess we are completely without shame in this nation anymore. For awhile now it has been obvious that instead of avoiding shame by avoiding shameful behavior we had simply banished it. But apparently that is not good enough anymore, apparently now we have to make the shameful appear good, no -- more, we have to make the shameful appear sanctified.

What a surprize our friends who are "born again" through abortion will have when they find out the genuine meaning of that term. I truly pray they will do so before the opportunity is lost to them permanently.


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