Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Words Of Wisdom

Ma Duece Gunner, freshly home from Iraq, addresses those that are "anit-war."
You hide behind the First Amendment, claiming the bile you spew forth is protected under the right to free speech. Some of you claim that you "Support the Troops, but not the war". I submit to you that this is a preposterous assertation. In order to truly and honestly support the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen who have sworn to "Uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America", you must also support the endeavor that they are currently undertaking.
The Gunner goes on well from there.

I should not add comments to just genuine outpourings as this one, but there is something I have to add. Yesterday on one of the talking heads, Howard Dean said
MR. RUSSERT: But those are words that will appeal to people. But when you go behind them, for example, what is the Democratic position on Iraq? Should we withdraw troops now? What do the Democrats stand for?

DR. DEAN: Tim, first of all, we don't control the House, the Senate or the White House. We have plenty of time to show Americans what our agenda is and we will long before the '06 elections.

MR. RUSSERT: But there's no Democratic plan on Social Security. There's no Democratic plan on the deficit problem. There's no specifics. They say, "Well, we want a strong Social Security. We want to reduce the deficit. We want health care for everyone," but there's no plan how to pay for it.

DR. DEAN: Right now it's not our job to give out specifics. We have no control in the House. We have no control in the Senate. It's our job is to stop this administration, this corrupt and incompetent administration, from doing more damage to America.
While I disagree completely with the anti-war crowd that MDG so rightly denounces, there is a lower form of life. That is people who oppose the war, not on moral grounds, but because it is politically expedient. MDG concluded his post this way
You are stealing my blood, and you should be ashamed of yourself. Go back to your dark holes and brood, for you and your logic isnot welcome, and many more people than you think feel the same way I do. You are evil, as evil as our enemies.
Strong words from someone that has fought the good fight. I have no clue about MDG's politcal leanings, but I think those words apply well to Democrats that don't know what we are supposed to do, but oppose for the sake of getting elected.


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