Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Arnold's Toast

Based on John Fund in yesterday's OpinionJournal, the Kindergarten Governor is done, put a fork in him. Fund's listing of Arnold's new Chief of Staff's resume is downright frightening;

It's not a pretty picture. Fund ends his piece this way

A Hollywood term the governor is familiar with could inform him about the potential impact of the Kennedy appointment. "Jumping the shark" refers to the precise moment when a TV show or public figure starts to go irreversibly downhill and loses all credibility. President Bush realized the damage the Harriet Miers debacle was causing him and pulled back. It's unlikely an alpha male like Arnold Schwarzenegger would do that. But then they said the same thing about George W. Bush.
I am not sure reversal can help Arnold at this point. W's relationship with his base, while not ideal, is much stronger than Arnold's. I certainly know when I voted for Arnold that he was way left of me and ideologically I preferred several other candidates, but Arnold could win and they couldn't, and his team was good. Now he doesn't seem to have a team, figuring he is the whole show. Sorry, big guy, your star power isn't that strong.

Nope, Arnold's going to have to do more than fire Kennedy as fast as he hired her. He's gonna have to take a hard right turn, and he is going to have to keep turning until the next election if he even wants me to think about voting for him.


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