Monday, December 19, 2005


Christmas Refreshment

Imagine! -- reading a homily in a major metrpolitan newspaper. Well, that's what I found when I read the Telegraph of London yesterday. It was written by the newly crowned Archbishop of York - the second most powerful post in the Anglican church.
In that poignant portrait of a baby lying in a cattle drinking trough, we have a snapshot of the everlasting and all-powerful God, coming to visit us in clothes of powerlessness and humility. The picture has no caption, but speaks volumes: it tells us that God is approachable because He has made the first move; that He is so concerned for our eternal welfare He will pay this price to be alongside us and lead us to our ultimate destiny. What was true in Bethlehem then, is true now in Bristol, Brisbane, Barbados and the world over, until the end of time. Its significance knows no bounds.
What a wonderful annuciation of the Incarnation. But he doesn;t stop there, he describes quite well, Christ's ministry
The baby in the manger ended His life on a cross. Christmas endures beyond the actual season, because the baby grew up. He descended on the human scene with an uncompromising message of love. He must have been the only teacher who has practised what He preached without faltering or failing. People who came close to Him, except for those who shut their eyes and ears, found themselves close to God Himself. Most were very ordinary people - and not particularly good ones at that.
But he gives the punchline early in the piece when he establihses his thesis
We must not be taken in by the expression "the season of goodwill" - as though you only need be nice to your neighbour for a few days. Christmas is here to stay. It demonstrates God's persistence with the human race. Christ's presence with us is permanent even though He can no longer be seen. His resurrection from death is God's statement that He does not give up on us, even when our attention to Him is fickle and forgetful. The so-called "season" of goodwill is on offer until the end of time, not because we have adopted it, but because God wills it so.
Christmas is not upon us -- Christmas is always here because the Lord is always with us. That dear firends is Glad Tidings Of Great Joy.


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