Wednesday, December 07, 2005


The Cradle Of Science

Al Mohler makes a great case, well actually, he let's Rodney Stark make the case for him, Christianity as that which made science possible.
Stark argues that the so-called "Dark Ages" were not so dark after all, and that during these centuries "European technology and science overtook and surpassed the rest of the world." In the end, "Christian faith in reason and in progress was the foundation on which Western success was achieved."
I love science because I love God - that much is most true. I see God in His creative revelation every time I learn something new.

With that in mind, here's a story about some people making sand behave like a liquid. I am always amazed when we find nature sort of bursting out of our notions. No matter how much we think we know, we seem to find something new to discover. Now consider, if God's creation is so complex, how much more so God? That is both humbling and awe-inspiring.

Then consider this story about looking for life on Mars. Who knows if we will find life on Mars, or anywhere else in the universe for that matter. Regardless, think about what it says about God's love for us. If we are alone, then that fact makes us extraordinarily special. If we are but one amongst many, consider that God still chose to incarnate here.

I see God in science, not oppostion.


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