Tuesday, December 13, 2005
God Bless Iraq

Iraq's election for its first full-term parliament since Saddam Hussein's fall began on Monday with Iraqis in hospitals, barracks and prisons voting in a ballot Islamist militants branded as ungodly.As you can see form the quote, if you are Reuters, you are a glass half-empty sort. But it's not as bad as all that.
a recent survey by Oxford Research International for the BBC, ABC News and other media organizations that finds Iraqis generally optimistic about the current situation and the future. He quotes: "Interviewers found that 71% of those questioned said things were currently very or quite good in their personal lives,It looks to me like the majority of people in the country like what's happening. While it is true, the dissatisfied are louder and more violent than most places, this news is wonderful. And it seems to me that support for that majority of Iraqis that like what is happening is the order of the day.
Pray for this election, pray for security forces, most especially our own in harm's way.
Certainly the vociferous and violent nature of the malcontents is no reason to give into them. It should be obvious based on this data that what we do if we do not help this election go forward in the best fashion is to condemn that majority to oppression by that violent minority.
This is a wonderful thing and I thank God we have gotten this far.