Friday, December 02, 2005


The Guvenator No More

Arnold Schwarzenegger's signature character, The Terminator, is a single minded, unstoppable machine. Focused like a laser beam, the Terminator does not deviate from his mission.

Those of us that elected Arnold out here in California hoped he would show some of that same single mindedness, that same determination, that same laser like focus to fixing the state, which is so far off the rails it needs tires.

Well, after takng a lickin' in the recent special election, Arnold seems more interested in appeasement than actually fixing anything. He has appointed someone slightly to the left of Lenin and his new Chief of Staff.

It's amazing, the story I just linked to is in the LATimes and it describes the move as "extremeist."
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger may fashion himself as an ideological centrist, but he continues to govern as an extremist. The selection of true-blue Democrat Susan Kennedy as his new chief of staff is the latest example.

It isn't philosophical extremism - left or right - I'm talking about. It's extremist actions.
Much as I loathe to agree with the LAT, they are on to something here. Arnold is acting more like a movie guy than a governor. In the movies, particularly Arnold's movies, it's important to have big action - even if it's walking through the door that everyone knows is booby-trapped.

Well, anyway, Arnold clearly as lost his focus and therefore clearly can no longer be referred to as "the Guvenator." So, it's new nickname time. I don't have any great ideas just yet, but I'll be working on it. "Kindergarten Governor" ... "Conan, the Waffler" ... "Pumping Hot Air" ... "Total Reversal" ... "'Raw Deal' for Republicans"...


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