Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Health And Spirtuality

Regular readers know that I think the church in general is pretty mixed up when it comes to spirtual and emotional, and to some extent mental health. We're pretty confused about what's what, which I think is a significant reason the church has lost its way in recent decades.

I can't think of anyone better qualified to discuss that issue than Adrian Warnock and David Wayne. I've had the priviledge of meeting both of them. David is a great pastor and Adrian is a great psychiatrist (and sometimes preacher). Turns out that before I got into blogging seriously, they had a lengthy cross-blog discussion on the topic. Adrian, with a little help from some friends has resurrected much of that discussion. I haven't made it through all of it yet, but enough to recommend it.

I think it hits at the core of one of the most important issues facing Christianity today.


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