Monday, December 12, 2005



Sometimes It's just silly

If only I'd thought of this:

DiCaprio to Produce Environment Film

All those treatment systems I've built, remediations I've done, spills I've cleaned up, when I could have been making a movie, which really would have helped.

Let's see, in 1969, The Cuyahoga River, where it feeds into Lake Eire caught on fire -- now it doesn't. And yet:

Great Lakes near ecological breakdown: scientists

Maybe we need to rethink the meaning of "breakdown." If burning water doesn't qualify, I don't know what does.


In the truth behind the facade department we find that global warming is really just men's fault or alternately it's really all about wealth transfer.

Turns out animals aren't quite the friends we want to think they are.

Finally, Mark Steyn picks it all apart in his own remarkable way. He coins the term "eco-cultist." Most appropos. Maybe we can start kidnapping them and deprogramming them one-by-one?


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